Just ate a hot pepper? Try pouring milk on your face or eating a loaf of bread

Age 32, Male

Joined on 11/10/07

Exp Points:
598 / 710
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> 100,000
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Hey you! It's me, Piggybank! It's been a while, and I hope you're well.

I've got TWO (yes, two!) things to share with YOU today:

I'm working on a new original short~

It's been way too long since my last one (which was Keev back in 2015) so this project is primarily focused on breaking the ice and quickly getting something out the door that's animated by one person (me) between my freelance work. I've been fortunate enough to get to collaborate with some really amazing and talented folks for this one though, and I'm also planning on keeping the short exclusive to Newgrounds for a time (much like with Keev) because I like supporting NG when I can.

I hope to have it out before the end of this year if all goes well, but I'm also taking my time with pre-production and making sure all my ducks are in a row with designs and voice acting before I dive into animation, so things may change on that front. I also haven't directed or written a short in almost a decade so I don't entirely know what I'm doing right now haha!

here's a picture in the meantime from some test footage. who is this mysterious character? what are we even looking at?? You'll have to wait to find out...!


if you're not able to see this image, rest assured: it is not a picture of Sonic.

I've launched an email newsletter: https://buttondown.com/MarkandFlops

Those who sign up (or grab the RSS feed) will be notified whenever I release a new big project thing somewhere, whether it's on Newgrounds, YouTube, at a festival, in outer space, or anywhere! I'd like to also use it to help keep you updated on other things, maybe feature sneak previews, WIPs, concept art, comics or whatever spoiler-free stuff I can fit into the occasional newsletter.

My hope is that this grows into a straightforward way for those interested to keep updated on what I'm making without needing to sign up for a Patreon or comb eight different social media sites, because I'm tired of doing that and maybe there's other people following me who are getting tired of that too. I'll still occasionally publish blog posts here on NG, but if you want more updates on what I'm up to beyond here, that might be an option.

Okay that's two things, so we're done for now! Thank you for reading and for following!

Will be in touch~


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